讲座题目:Bearing Fault Detection by Band Passing and Stopping(轴承故障识别的带通带阻方法)
主讲人:Prof. Ming Liang, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ottawa, Canada(加拿大渥太华大学机械工程系)
讲座内容:Most of the bearing fault detection techniques are based on bandpass approaches. This talk presents such an approach based on an adaptive spectral kurtosis technique to search for the optimal passband. This is achieved by successive attempts to right-expand a given window along the frequency axis by merging it with its subsequent neighboring windows guided by the spectral kurtosis value. This method has also been extended to detecting multiple bearing faults. Though the bandpass approaches are quite effective in the absence of strong in-band interferences, they are susceptible to strong interferences. As such, this talk also presents a bandstop technique to remove such interferences. The bandstop technique I nvolves two types of window merging: negative merging to search for interferences and positive merging for possible fault signals. Our simulation and experimental tests have shown that the adaptive spectral kurtosis method is successful in determining the optimal passband in the absence of interferences and the bandstop method can effectively locate and remove multiple interferences of various frequencies.
Ming Liang(梁明)教授于1991年在加拿大温莎大学工业工程系获得博士学位,同年进入渥太华大学机械工程系成为助理教授,并分别于1996年晋升副教授,2000年晋升为终身正教授。现为国际工程资产管理学会Fellow(会士),安大略省注册执业工程师。先后主持了加拿大国家科学与工程理事会NSERC项目17项,与多家企业和学术组织开展了合作。先后担任NSERC奖学金组会议评审委员、基金项目组会议评审委员、工业工程组会议评审委员,于2005年获得由IMechE颁发的Joseph Whitworth奖。在国际主流期刊和学术会议发表论文100多篇,从1996年开始担任IIE Transactions编委,担任30多种知名国际期刊(包括IEEE Transactions, ASME Transactions, IIE Transaction等)和各种项目的评审专家。